Always consult with your Healthcare provider before starting any diets, ACTIVATIONS or Sessions.
ALL ACTIVATIONS and SESSIONS with Katelyn and Ronnie are HIGHLY POTENT with LIGHT CODES ✨️ that ✨️ TRANSFORMS REALITY at a very rapid speed. ALL MANIFESTATIONS are different and unique to each individual BEING; dependent on their ability to ELEVATE their FREQUENCY of VIBRATION. Also meaning dependant on their ability to BE CONSCIOUS. Everyone is responsible for their own REALITIES BEING MANIFESTED. These services are not substitutes for any other professional services. Do your diligent research within your Heart and SOUL first before scheduling any ACTIVATIONS or SESSIONS.
ALL ACTIVATIONS and SESSIONS with Katelyn and Ronnie are DISCREET, CONFIDENTIAL, and carry no guarantees. Our REALITIES 🌟 are CREATED through our OWN beliefs PROGRAMMED into our un-CONSCIOUS MINDS. Both Katelyn and Ronnie have the tools to re-PROGRAM your un-CONSCIOUS MINDS but ultimately it is still you who CREATES your own EXPERIENCES and REALITIES.
Scheduling and paying for your sessions or ACTIVATIONS confirms that you INNERSTAND and AGREE to these terms.
Due to the preparation of our sessions there are no refunds.